Why Zulu - Features Highlight
Some of the key features & reasons for choosing Zulu Trader.
A sophisticated algorithm ranks Signal Providers by analyzing their overall performance, stability, maturity, exposure, minimum equity required.
A highly advanced account protection feature that monitors the performance of your traders 7 days a week and stepping in to protect your invested capital whenever needed.
A powerful tool that allows you to test the potential profits or losses your account heck your strategies and potential performance, before even going live!.
Experience freedom trading.
Zulu Your Devices Check out our powerful Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows phone and desktop widget apps.
Tap the Potential of
Next Generation Trading!
Auto trading is an ideal solution for traders who cannot commit the time to building their own strategies, and for traders who simply want to remove the emotions from trading.
Zulu Trade Ltd owns and operates the Zulu Trade system, the use of this system is subject to the terms and conditions specified on https://www.zulutrade.com/terms-of-service.
Trades generated through the use of the Zulu Trade system are not the responsibility of International Capital Markets Pty Ltd and do not constitute general or personal advice.