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外汇隔夜利息: 是什么?
外汇隔夜利息或过夜利息是指持仓过夜需要支付或者收取的隔夜利息。 隔夜利息取决于做多或做空某两种货币,他们存在过夜利息的不同。


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We are here 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
- 只有在持仓一直到第二个外汇交易日才会有隔夜费。
- 一些货币对可能存在不论做多还是做空都是负值的情况。
- 隔夜利息以点计算,MT4和MT5自动将其转换为您账户的基础货币。
- 每一个货币对有其自己的隔夜费收取标准,衡量的基础是1手的标准大小
- On Wednesday night swaps for FX, Metals, Bonds and Commodities are charged a triple rate the usual rate. On Friday night swaps for Energies, Indices and Cryptocurrencies are charged a triple rate the usual rate.
- You will able to view the latest swap rates within your MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 trading terminal by following the process outlined below.
- 右键单击在“市场观察”部分的任何产品,然后从下拉菜单中单击左键“规格”选项,。将打开一个新窗口,显示所选中产品的做多和做空隔夜利息费率。